Returns Request Form

We hope you’re happy with your Woods purchase, if you decide it isn’t right for you, you can return or exchange unwanted items within 28 days of purchase*. Please bear the following in mind when preparing to return goods to us for refund.

  • Please ensure you have not assembled the items.
  • Use the original packaging to return the items to us*
  • Complete the form in the link below and a member of the Customer Care team with authorise your request and provide you with a returns form to enclose within the packaging.

*You have 14 days to notify us that intend to return your order and then a further 14 days to get the items back to us.

  • You need to return the order at your cost.
  • Take some reference photos of the products, the packaging and the label.
  • Once returned the warehouse will inspect your return and a refund will be issued. All refunds will be made back to the original tender type.
  • Please note delivery charges are not refunded for change of mind.

*If the items are poorly packed and are damaged on route back to us we will not be able to refund you so it’s really important to pack well and ensure you have proof you did this if anything comes up. In the event that items do arrive damaged after all efforts to ensure otherwise, then it is the customer’s responsibility to seek compensation from their chosen courier, and also to arrange redelivery of their items.


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By completion this form and submitting you are agreeing to the returns terms and conditions detailed on this page.